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Item specifics

Condition: New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is ... Read moreabout the condition


Compatible Equipment Type: Skid Steer Loader

Overall Diameter : 29 in

Rim Width: 8.25 in

Section Width: 16.5 in


Country/Region of Manufacture: China

Equipment Type: Bobcat - Skid

Part Type: Tire


About this product

Product Information: 

Experience superior traction and long tread life with the Road Warrior Skid Steer tires. Constructed from 12-ply durable material, this 10 by 16.5-inch tire is made to be used with Bobcat construction equipment. The thick sidewalls are resistant to punctur

Product Identifiers

Brand: Road Warrior


Product Key Features: Ply Rating

14 PR Rim Diameter : 16 in

Compatible Equipment Make , Bobcat

Additional Product Features: Part Type : Tire

Item description from the seller

10-16.5, 10x16.5 (1-TIRE) 14 PLY SKID STEER ROAD CREW SKS TIRES 10165

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    खुलने का समय

    सोम - शुक्र: सुबह 7 - शाम 5:30 बजे

    शनिवार: सुबह 7 - दोपहर 12 बजे

    पंजीकरण वैट:  TH0115531003217

    संपर्क करें

    हेड क्वाटर: टैम्बॉन सतेंग, मुआंग याला जिला, याला 95000, थाईलैंड

    पता: 23 न्यू ड्रम स्ट्रीट लंदन E1 7AY, यूनाइटेड किंगडम

    दूरभाष: +447862066246

    दूरभाष:  +33605645920 

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