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385-65R22.5 USED TRUCK TIRES available for Sale at a discount price available only for bulk buyers,  with a Minimum purchase capacity of 1 x 20ft container, We do not retail and we sell to top users. 2-year warranty and free shipping! We have top brand new and used tires for sale at a discount rate to Bulk buyers and can ship worldwide. Minimum order is 1 x 20ft container, Loading time 5 working Days, Delivery time 15 to 21 days. All tires are checked by SGS  before Loading. 100% Money Back Guarantee to clients who are not satisfied. We have a strong refund Policy which Clients can apply once the container is still at their port.


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    खुलने का समय

    सोम - शुक्र: सुबह 7 - शाम 5:30 बजे

    शनिवार: सुबह 7 - दोपहर 12 बजे

    पंजीकरण वैट:  TH0115531003217

    संपर्क करें

    हेड क्वाटर: टैम्बॉन सतेंग, मुआंग याला जिला, याला 95000, थाईलैंड

    पता: 23 न्यू ड्रम स्ट्रीट लंदन E1 7AY, यूनाइटेड किंगडम

    दूरभाष: +447862066246

    दूरभाष:  +33605645920 

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