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30 seconds you need to dismount and mount a common truck tyre  !!! 

  • It is equipped with four rollers with a unique form, positioned on the two sides of the wheel in diametrically opposite positions. With the system, the dismounting of the tyre with bead breakers is very simple and natural: while the anterior bead breakers keep the bead in the drop centre, the posterior ones continue their course until the dismounting is complete.
  • The chucking unit, designed to clamp all kind of wheels, and can move not only clockwise and counterclockwise, but also up and down
  • Thanks to the “STAND-BY” function, we totally eliminate the noise when the machine is not working.
  • The bead breakers are made of plastic material to prevent damage to the rim
  • Hydraulic chucking table -
  • All movements are hydraulically controlled from a convenient, ergonomically positioned console
  • The machine is equipped with a patented lever to ease the mounting/demounting of the tyre.
  • The bead breakers are supported by two arms separately commanded - Each arm has two rollers, one conical which pushes on the bead and one cylindrical which punches the tyre side wall
  • The operating dimensions of the rim clamping unit and of the head-tool carriage allow the tyre changer to operate on a whole range of wheels, including super-single
  • BUS TYRE ✓



  • Power Supply  220V / 400Volt    3 Phase  
  • Chucking unit   rotation motor      1.5 kW
  • Hydraulic drive unit motor  2 kW
  • Rims Ø 11"-27"
  • Max. allowed wheel Ø 1320mm
  • Max. wheel width 540mm
  • Chuck rotation Speed     8 Rpm

RAVAGLIOLI HGV Tyre Changer 11"- 27" 400v

$6,000.00 नियमित मूल्य
$4,080.00बिक्री मूल्य
    EMARK 2 - Web Copy.jpg

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    - दूसरा इस्तेमाल किया टायर उपलब्ध

    - पुराना एसयूवी 4x4 टायर

    खुलने का समय

    सोम - शुक्र: सुबह 7 - शाम 5:30 बजे

    शनिवार: सुबह 7 - दोपहर 12 बजे

    पंजीकरण वैट:  TH0115531003217

    संपर्क करें

    हेड क्वाटर: टैम्बॉन सतेंग, मुआंग याला जिला, याला 95000, थाईलैंड

    पता: 23 न्यू ड्रम स्ट्रीट लंदन E1 7AY, यूनाइटेड किंगडम

    दूरभाष: +447862066246

    दूरभाष:  +33605645920 

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