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- Efficient electro-hydraulic-powered tyre changer that combines a range of unique features and capabilities to make wheel service for trucks, buses, tractors and other specialized machinery faster, easier and more profitable.
- Self-centering, standard clamping capacity of 14 to 56 inches.
- Two-speed chuck rotation operates clockwise and counter-clockwise.
- Adjustable mount and de-mount head can accommodate multiple wheel sizes.
- Tool head includes standard disk and hook for bead loosening, mounting and de-mounting tyres.
- The hook tool folds out of the way when not in use.


Checkout How the Machine functions:


- Portable control system is convenient for operator to make observations from different angles, this improves efficiency and safety.
-Emergency control switch
- Operation voltage 24V

Taranto Earth Mover Tyre Changer 14" - 56 Inch S560

$9,200.00 नियमित मूल्य
$4,600.00बिक्री मूल्य
  • Safety
    - Portable control system is convenient for operator to make observations from different angles, this improves efficiency and safety.
    -Emergency control switch
    - Operation voltage 24V

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हमारी सेवाएँ

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- बिक्री के लिए जहाज़ के बाहर इंजन

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- कार बैटरी

- मिशेलिन पीसीआर कार टायर 

- दूसरा इस्तेमाल किया टायर उपलब्ध

- पुराना एसयूवी 4x4 टायर

खुलने का समय

सोम - शुक्र: सुबह 7 - शाम 5:30 बजे

शनिवार: सुबह 7 - दोपहर 12 बजे

पंजीकरण वैट:  TH0115531003217

संपर्क करें

हेड क्वाटर: टैम्बॉन सतेंग, मुआंग याला जिला, याला 95000, थाईलैंड

पता: 23 न्यू ड्रम स्ट्रीट लंदन E1 7AY, यूनाइटेड किंगडम

दूरभाष: +447862066246

दूरभाष:  +33605645920 

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